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The Wilds is led by singer/songwriters Holly Arntzen—vocals, dulcimer, piano, and Kevin Wright—vocals, percussion, sax. When Holly and Kevin sing and write songs together, think Joni Mitchell meets Bon Scott (of ACDC.) An unlikely combination, but one that bears rich sounds, energy and a unique musical perspective that is conveyed in eight albums produced since 2006.
The sound of the Wilds is ‘folk pop to rock your world”—Holly’s slide dulcimer mixed with Kevin’s hard-hitting cajon and congas, and lit up by rich vocal harmonies. They write r’evolution of consciousness songs about the Earth, ecology and humanity. They have a duty and the street cred to write and sing these messages after decades of walking the walk so few are willing to do, or just do not have the voice for. The Wilds have that voice.
Arntzen and Wright are the core members of the Artist Response Team (ART), which for the past 20 years has produced a steady stream of Voices Of Nature School Music Programs and Community Concerts throughout western Canada and beyond. They are joined by throngs of young people singing out for issues that we all face regarding our home planet.
Learn more here:
The Wilds is featured in the 1-hour TV special about water conservation, called Water for Life, filmed at the Jubilee Auditorium in Edmonton and appeared on CTV-TWO in Alberta, and PBS in Spokane.
Watch it here:
Each year the Wilds can be found tromping up and down one watershed or another, singing their songs of salmon, rivers, oceans, bears and Orcas. Up Your Watershed! tours take them to the Skeena watershed, and the Fraser Basin from Prince George on down to the coast. Since 2016 they have done annual Rock The Salish Sea! Tours to coastal BC communities, working with local schools and producing major concerts, singing out for the inland ocean between Vancouver Island and the mainland.
In 2018 The Wilds teamed up with muso-historians Tiller’s Folly to present Voices For The Salish Sea—a high-energy mash-up of eco-rock songs about salmon, Orcas, watersheds and the ocean with stories of the people who thrived in these ecosystems: loggers, fishers, rumrunners, explorers and tugboat captains. View promo video:
In 2019-21 Arntzen and Wright collaborated with the Stó:lō First Nation in Chilliwack, BC, to create four bilingual songs in English and Halq'eméylem, to promote language revitalization, ecological education and reconciliation. The Éy St’elmexw St’elt’ílém - Good Medicine Songs project resulted in a CD of the songs and Audio Glossaries, Teachers’ Handbook, Student Guide and videos of a public concert involving 270 K-5 children performing with the Wilds.
In spring 2020 when the COVID19 pandemic shut down all live music and touring, Arntzen and Wright created their offering to inspire hope: Blessing In Disguise. Listen:
ART has pivoted to adapting its Voices Of Nature music program online. Sing Out For The Earth and Voices Of Nature Rocks help teachers to bring songs into the classroom for environmental education, to enliven learning and provide children and youth with leadership opportunities to inspire positive action in their families and communities. Watch:
Currently The Wilds are co-producing a special event with the Good Medicine Songs Team  "Chowiyes-Xwithet/Rise Up-Wake Up!", to honour the children lost to residential schools, survivors and their families. It will take place on September 29th, 2022, at the University of the Fraser Valley Gathering Place, in celebration of Canada's National Day of Truth and Reconciliation.
For more information please contact: Kevin Wright or Holly Arntzen
Tel: 778 879 9382

© 2017 - 2022 Artist Response Team Inc.

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